Sunday, February 7, 2010

2 milers....

note to self...dont chug-a-lug all that water before you do chores unless you've missed out on walking down that road....and you actually 'want' to make all those extra trips back to the house...yeesh.
Last few days have been doing the 2 miler ...loaded down with the usual heavy chore clothes/boots...think it works best working the dogs first thing in the am and doing the walk with Derby before evening chores. Boots get a little heavy, legs on the rubbery side by the end of both work outs. On my scale
have lost 5 lbs in last few days by just increasing the cardio and decreasing calories...not really dieting...just cut out unhealthy snacks and reduced meal
portions...the trick is not to make your body go into starve mode ( your body will actually decrease your metabolism with drastic diet changes )
Crystal Light lemondade helps with the water drinking, I've also cut down on my coffee about some habit changes for a devote Tim Hortons drinker. So progress during week one with changes that dont take much more than 45 mins when you include the cooling down...for me it's going directly into chores, which is basically just a different pace. Packing 5 gallon pails end up being my arm curls etc.
Working the 3 girls Fly, Dare and True each day, would like cut down on number of sheep we soon as the barn is empty I can take a group over there to park while I work a smaller group. Finding working over a dozen difficult with the snow build up for me to get in position when I want to reinforce something.
I still havent made use of the bamboo poles that I said I was...note to myself to get at it.
Down to 3 cows to calf , which I imagine will straggle out for the tail enders.
Pups are more than hale'n hearty....not uncommon to see them on their backs with chubby bellies in the air as they sleep contently. Jinx blue daughter on the outside of the swimming pool this am....will have to bring in a larger box for them soon. Toe nails get trimmed every few days. I'll have to think of some
temporary call names for them ..helps in ID'ing them in upcoming shoot soon with help.

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