Monday, July 11, 2011

De- Cluttering...

Clutter, too many projects on the go at the same time...I AM my own worst enemy :)
Have a bunch of lists started, might help me get more things done if each area has all the needed projects listed on it
so things can get crossed off with some sense of getting 'er done.

Finally got around to taping my bamboo stick for stock training and using it for a little more reach. Used properly it's just to add alittle more pressure and release as soon as you get it...otherwise to traffic going by looks like a very long fishing pole resting on your shoulder while working your dog.

Working on getting more distance with Quade as well working on his top. With Fly , we are back to using the corners and bringing stock out of the corner and fetching back into...finding balance. I can reach her if I see her dropping her shoulder to come in for a fly by grip.Sting hasnt missed much of a beat on stock , she pushes nicely out. Hope to get to at least one other place with sheep to train on before Sheep camp.

Have told the CKC Herding Council I'm stepping down from being Alberta/NWT rep at the end of the year. One by one stepping down from club, council committments. As many years as I've been in dogs , I've been involved in all the behind the scenes stuff ...time to step back from the majority of it.

Yep, you've heard me say that several times but I seem to keep getting 'swept back in' :)

Need to get ribbons ordered for the Herding Trial coming up as well get my entries in now that the postal strike is over. I also need to pick up the prizes next time I'm to a bigger center.

Etching out time to take the two boys down the road for some brisk walks since I've let both get out of shape...I need the exercise as well. Now to make it habit forming instead of falling off the wagon a few wks into it...same with the training schedule.
Need to 'park' something else to the back burner for now.

Have 2 grad pictures to do still plus want to keep on top of my 1st year baby projects with grand daughter Jade and great niece Pyper.( It's a series of photo sessions taken at different miles stones in babies first year...need images to put on a long narrow frame for a display )
A few family picture requests this summer / fall. Hooking up with another person for practise photo sessions...canola fields blooming in a riot of yellow. Working on a few Grad books as well gift books for the kids for Xmas....that will be here soon enough and want to get a jump on that.

Need to get middle son to sneak hubby's Harley out before canola fields get cut so can do an evening shot with the field in the background...might just be cool on canvas. Barrett was thinking he'd like the same effect with his Mud Racing Truck ( CMRO circuit )

Have a Booth booked in Sept at EEOC Community Night awareness, planning on a few Xmas booths this late fall...ordering booth display supplies now. Will need to update my slide show closer to the dates.

Invited to son's friends wedding in fall so may be an opportunity to work on OCF skills.

A couple more days off before back to work on another series of nights....pups all doing well.

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