Thursday, March 11, 2010

At the Training building...

The 2 red heads ended up with the baths today...didnt trim any hair ( ears and feet need it on these two )
They had a hoot at the building. I regret not purchasing the talking ball that was in a booth at Nationals. Deb brought hers and they loved it. Thanks as well sis for helping to straighen & wash mats.
First private lessons at the building went well and ended up with more dogs signed up for the 6 wk session in both obedience
and agility. Got the walls sanded where I filled a few cracks between lessons. Everything is prepped with tape soooo just need
to decide on color and get'er done.
Will take a few pups with me to the building each time I go in to town....time to leave their siblings for a few hours each day....building makes it easier since it's still winter out.

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